Weather favors planting activities; harvesting may hit a record

Cepea, November 19, 2024 – Although the 2024/25 soybean season has started with unfavorable weather conditions in Brazil, the recent rainfall along with sunny days have been favoring crops activities, which are more advanced now than in the same period last crop.   This scenario (which sustains expectations of a possible record crop in Brazil) has led purchasers to be away from closing deals in the spot market. Producers are also unwilling to trade, focused on dollar valuations and projections of an increase in the global soy production

Weather favors planting activities; harvesting may hit a record
Cepea, November 19, 2024 – Although the 2024/25 soybean season has started with unfavorable weather conditions in Brazil, the recent rainfall along with sunny days have been favoring crops activities, which are more advanced now than in the same period la >>>

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